I have had a lot of time off work recently due to various colds and bugs. Can I be sacked for being unwell? The answer to this question will depend on a number of issues such as your length of …
7 changes to employment law from April 2018
1. Minimum wage increase – 1 April 2018 The National Living Wage (minimum rate paid to workers aged 25 and over), will increase by 4.4% to £7.83 an hour. The National Minimum Wage rates will increase from: £7.05 to £7.38 …
Amended Employee Contract – Do I have to sign?
If your employer wishes to change any of the contractual terms and conditions of your employment, i.e. your employee contract, they must have the authority to do so. Some changes may be uncontroversial, such as pay increases. These are often …
Settlement Agreements – What’s the Deal?
Has your employer asked you to sign a settlement agreement? Have you been asked to agree to an exit package? Do you feel that you have a claim against your employer but would prefer to settle it rather than issue …
Perceived Disability Discrimination Explained
Perception is Everything An individual will be classed as disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ impact on their ability to carry out normal daily activities’. All …
Getting ready for the General Data Protection Regulation
The Information Commissioner’s Office has produced practical advice on how to comply with data protection law and how to improve data protection practices in your business, including how to keep employees’ and customers’ personal information secure and how to get …